Stonetree invests with First Time Funds, but not first time investors. First time funds have a special motivation to succeed. Their future is based on a favorable outcome. First time funds are very focused. Typically they select investments more diligently and they communicate better. First time funds are particularly appreciative of their early investors, who are frequently granted priority access to subsequent partnerships. Stonetree has demonstrated expertise and earned considerable rewards by investing with first time funds.
The Stonetree selection criteria are most comprehensive and unique. The objective of the Stonetree due diligence is to select high quality, small to medium size general partnerships. Stonetree emphasizes investing in highly skilled teams where the assets are large enough to support their activities, but small enough to avail themselves of the maximum number of investment opportunities.
To maintain the Stonetree Advantage, preferred General Partners will have significant prior success and unquestionable integrity. Stonetree looks for people with a solid record of accomplishment. Frequently, they will be substantial principals for their first time in a fund. They will have attitudes and a reputation for being shareholder-friendly. Stonetree places special attention on partnerships who share these same ethics. The General Partners’ reputations for integrity is not only preferred; it is mandatory.
Strong deal flow is essential for superior investment performance. Deal flow is one of the greatest Stonetree assets: Mr. Casey has excellent long established personal relationships with the managing general partners of many private equity funds. Mr. Casey knows when Funds are going to market and is one of the primary investors invited into new funds. Mr. Casey also has the reputation of funding first time Funds.